The agenda to create WE’s website with basically to give the readers an overview of the magazine and give brief description involved the kind of content that will be published in the magazine the other goal was to drive sales printed copies and digital copies both. as the virtual ethnographic research and survey methods and visual analysis suggested that readers are more likely to be interested in looking at photos from editorials and videos on the website and less text and less and so that that would make them intrigued about buying the magazine not the earth rather than reading everything on the website or a lot of content on the website with magazine layout is is displayed in the magazine tab of the web page where the readers can see the aesthetic of the magazine in the team and the colours and kind of content that’s included inside it also there’s a shop space that offers variations of the cover and there is a page that talks about the about section of the magazine there is a patient talks about the manifesto the homepage basically has a background of moving image that’s the cover Storey and there is a section for films that has both editorials both from Mumbai and America there is a contact us page which is created with these custom domain which will be used exclusively for the business communications